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Find Péninsule airways flight deals and all you need to know about flying Péninsule airways.

PenAir is Southwest Alaska's largest regional airline and services several routes throughout the Northeast, West Coast, and Midwest regions of the United States. We are an Alaska Airlines codeshare and Mileage Plan partner. As a 121 operation, PenAir provides scheduled passenger and freight service with Saab 340 aircraft.

Contact Péninsule airways
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Reservations: (800) 448-4226
Cargo: 907.243.2985
Consumer Affairs: (907) 717-3190
Corporate: (907) 771-2500
Fax: (907) 771-2664

Adresse email

[email protected]



Corporate Office:
Peninsula Airways, Inc.
6100 Boeing Ave.
Anchorage, AK 99502

How to Book Tickets Online

To book Péninsule airways ticket online, do as follows

  1. Select route in the search box.
  2. Select fare.
  3. Fill in passenger's requested information.
  4. Select payment method.
  5. Finish transaction and Péninsule airways e-ticket will be sent to your email.