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Find Kam Air Airlines flight deals and all you need to know about flying Kam Air Airlines.

Kam Air Airlines information

TraveliGo to help you find the best prices on flights and plane tickets, airline Kam Air or just RQ. enter city or airport name or city of origin and destination airport. From a search engine on the web, TraveliGo system will search for and display flights at the best airline Kam Air or the RQ. offers flights on the route your flight. The flights are direct flights more convenient for you. By filtering information such as price, time, and allows you to find flights, according to your needs by quickly TraveliGo you to purchase tickets. the aircraft immediately Quick and easy Without going through the website of the airline or airline ticket sales agent of your choice. Secure online payment system that has an SSL certificate from Geotrust along with promotions for both domestic and international flights. Great deals on flights and discounted many

Kam Air Airlines facility and service

The airline offers services including air freight. Using helicopters, cargo containers weighing up to 110 tonnes

The airline Kam Air or RQ an airline based in Kabul. Afghanistan Service routes in Afghanistan and six international routes. The airline will service both domestic and international passengers then. Also provides air cargo. Airline ticketing as well

Kam Air Airlines routes

Flight International

Routes of the airline Kam Air or RQ airline tickets for international flights, including international following India apply. Tajikistan United Arab Emirates China Russian Saudi Arabia and Ukraine and Germany

TraveliGo a flight of this airline in all directions. To purchase a ticket, airline Kam Air or RQ in the best according to your needs. We can use the web to find the best price and buy the ticket directly

Let's get to know before flying with Kam Air Airlines

The airline Kam Air or RQ an airline based in Kabul. Afghanistan Use airline is flying the RQ center Hamid Karzai International Airport has flights to destinations in six countries, including India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and the United Arab Emirates

Why should I book Kam Air Airlines flights with TraveliGo?

Since our system is directly connected to Kam Air Airlines, therefore, all flight promotions from Kam Air Airlines will be available in TraveliGo in the same way. TraveliGo has many payment methods with no hidden fees. So you get the cheapest Kam Air Airlines flight tickets.
Contact Kam Air Airlines
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4422 / +93-799-974422

Adresse email

[email protected]



Kam Air Head Office Afghanistan
Apron C, Kabul International Airport
P.O. Box 62
Kabul, Afghanistan

How to Book Tickets Online

To book Kam Air Airlines ticket online, do as follows

  1. Select route in the search box.
  2. Select fare.
  3. Fill in passenger's requested information.
  4. Select payment method.
  5. Finish transaction and Kam Air Airlines e-ticket will be sent to your email.